From the Montgomery County Public Health District website:
As of Wednesday afternoon, there has been one confirmed case of H1N1 virus. Of the eight reported cases, four patients are deceased. Of the remaining four cases in an area hospital, one case has tested positive for the H1N1 virus. Two of the patients tested negative for all flu viruses. Montgomery County Public Health District is awaiting test results for the remaining patient. The 2013 Influenza vaccine does protect against the H1N1 virus. At this time no known deaths received the vaccine.
Based on CDC data, the H1N1 virus is nationally on the rise. It can reasonably be expected that the occurrence of more H1N1 cases will be reported. Public Health Officials will continue to monitor the situation diligently and will provide more information as it is received.
The Montgomery County Public Health District is grateful for Conroe Regional Hospital’s astute physicians who recognized the unusual nature of the illness and began the appropriate testing to reach a diagnosis.
Montgomery County Public Health District has been in discussion with the Texas Department of State Health Services along with the CDC to coordinate investigation efforts. Despite ongoing investigations, it cannot be emphasized enough that common infection control practices should be followed to prevent the spread of infection. As with common flu strains, some people are more likely to develop flu complications than others. Please reference the CDC’s website, which further explains the high risk population, including children under the age of 5, adults over the age of 65, and people with certain medical conditions.