Those participating in Friday’s groundbreaking of Bryan ISD’s third intermediate school included third grade students from nearby Bonham elementary.
BISD superintendent Christie Whitbeck said the new school will not only affect those students, “the decisions that our board has made, that our community has made, will make a difference for students whose parents are not even born yet. And that is the reality, that is the responsibility, the opportunity and the privilege that we have to think about how many lives we are affecting that we don’t even know at this time.”
Dr. Whitbeck also said “our community told us through surveys and feedback that they wanted smaller intermediate schools. And we listened. And our board listened. And our voters listened.”
BISD school board president Mark McCall recalled the superintendent’s first day of her first school year in Bryan, when she responded to a massive traffic bus congestion at one of the intermediate schools. McCall said that led to last November’s bond issue that included a new transportation and maintenance complex and building intermediate school three on land next to the current transportation center.
Bryan city councilman Prentiss Madison, whose district includes the new school, congratulated BISD officials and said he looked forward to its opening in August 2023.
This is Bryan ISD’s first new school building since groundbreaking for Rudder High in 2008.
Click below to hear the groundbreaking program, which begins with performances from the Rudder and Bryan high school pep bands and follows with remarks from Christie Whitbeck, Mark McCall, and Prentiss Madison.