Grand Opening of Blinn College Bryan Campus Administration Building

Blinn College hosted the grand opening ceremony for its new Bryan Campus Administration Building Friday morning.

Bryan Mayor Bobby Gutierrez talked about the growing college campuses around all of Bryan College Station.

“The vibe of this community, the vibe of Bryan-College Station, our area here, is the students, the youth. I still feel like I’m 20 years old, I act like I’m 10, but it’s what keeps us young, keeps us going over here and it’s the quality of students” said Gutierrez.

College Station Mayor John Nichols was reminded of the phrase shared by preachers, “the church is more than just the building”.

“Blinn is more then this building, Blinn is the community,” said Nichols.

Kenny Lawson, Chair of the Bryan Campus Advisory Committee, talked about what this building means for Blinn.

“What does it really stand for? It stands for progress, it stands for educating our youth, it stands for the next generation. There’s a lot of people who worked to build a building, but I would ask everybody to take a step back and really think about what it really stands for. It’s for our future,” said Lawson.

The new building at Villa Maria and Nash houses campus administration, human resources, and business services among other offices.

The grounds also include an intramural field, the first ever on the Bryan campus.

Click below to hear Friday morning’s entire presentation.

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