A grandson of President George H.W. Bush and the son of former Florida Governor Jeb Bush is getting into Texas politics.
George Prescott Bush filed Wednesday for Texas Land Commissioner in the 2014 election.
George P. Bush has a campaign website and Facebook page.
Family friend and Interim Dean of the Bush School of Government at A&M Andrew Card says George P. Bush “is a remarkable young man” who “has demonstrated his ability to lead independent of the legacy that he inherits.”
Card says George P. Bush’s background includes service as a naval officer, working as a lawyer and businessman, and being very involved in philantrophic activities.
Card, who worked for President George H.W. and President George W. Bush, says George P. Bush “is very disciplined in his life and he is disciplined how he meets his responsibililties, which are all attributes that are very valuable and important especially if you’re looking to answer the noble call of public service”.
WTAW’s Bill Oliver visits with Andrew Card.