Gabriel Hall’s Defense Lawyers Don’t Want Expense Records Released

Wednesday marks four weeks since a Brazos County district court jury decided on the death penalty after finding Gabriel Hall of capital murder.

Since then, the trial judge has received verbal requests from local media organizations to release records that have been closed to the public, detailing expenses incurred by Hall’s defense team.

During a recent hearing on the subject, prosecutors said they knew of no legal precedent to keep the information confidential. But Hall’s lawyers want to keep the records sealed.

Robert Owen, who was appointed to appeal Hall’s conviction and punishment, said the records contain confidential and privileged information about trial strategy among other things that should kept away from the media and the district attorney’s office.

Owen was directed to file written arguments by the first Friday in December. Prosecutors also expected to submit arguments. And the judge invited media organizations to do the same.

Click below for a summary of comments from Gabriel Hall’s lawyers, reported by WTAW’s Bill Oliver:


Gabriel Hall watching a member of his defense team before the start of closing arguments in the punishment phase of his capital murder trial, October 7 2015.
Gabriel Hall watching a member of his defense team before the start of closing arguments in the punishment phase of his capital murder trial, October 7 2015.

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