The College Station city council was presented a proposed budget for next year that reduces spending by $5 million dollars but increases the property tax rate by eight-tenths of one cent.
The tax rate increase is all due to the council’s decision this summer to give a homestead tax exemption of five percent.
College Station wastewater customers would also have a five percent rate increase starting October 1.
The only council reaction after Thursday’s presentation by finance director Mary Ellen Leonard, was Linda Harvell’s opposition to replacing the Thomas Park pool with a splashpad.
Leonard told Harvell that proposal was on the agenda for the council’s next meeting in two weeks.
The budget proposal calls for no additional employees in College Station’s police and fire departments.
Current employees would receive a two percent pay raise and be considered for an additional merit raise. The city would also increase its share of healthcare premiums by five percent.
Click HERE to read and download the 363 page proposed FY 2019 city of College Station budget.
Additional information from
The proposed budget is $360,680,102 (1.37% lower than FY18)
Budget reflects a 5% homestead exemption voted on by council in June.
To remain revenue neutral due to the homestead exemption, a tax increase of 0.8341 cent per $100 valuation is included in the proposed budget.
A 5% increase to the wastewater rate would begin in October to keep up with capital system improvements due to growth and aging infrastructure.
Pay increase for police to ensure market competitiveness, and pay increase for fire personnel. Also funds for body cameras, rescue equipment and fire vehicles.
Funding for facility maintenance, street maintenance, implementation of neighborhood plans, construction of Southeast Park and renovations throughout the parks system.
Street and transportation capital projects, including Greens Prairie Road and Greens Prairie Trail extensions, Royder Road Phase III, and Cain/Deacon railroad crossing relocation.
Library expansion, new police station, initial phases of new city hall, and renovations to create a senior and community center at Dartmouth/Colgate.
Advanced Meter Infrastructure implementation for CSU-Electric.
Continued implementation of new pay structure with necessary salary adjustments + 1.5% pool for merit-based increases.
Public hearings on the proposed tax rate will occur on Sept. 5 and Sept. 13, and a public hearing on the proposed budget will occur on Sept. 13.
Adoption of the budget and tax rate is scheduled for Sept. 27. The new fiscal year begins Oct. 1.