BETHANY, Okla. (AP) _ Coach Dave Bliss has resigned from Southwestern Christian
following the release of a film looking at the men’s basketball scandal at
Baylor that included the death of a player at the hands of a teammate.
University President Reggies Wenyika said Monday the NAIA school would seek
“new leadership in a manner that is consistent with the university’s beliefs,
standards and policies.”
In 2003, Bliss stepped down at Baylor after it was revealed he encouraged
players to lie about a Bears player who had been killed by a teammate. Bliss was
trying to cover up NCAA violations involving Patrick Dennehy after he was
murdered by Carlton Dotson.
A recent documentary on “Showtime” includes Bliss’s assertions that Dennehy
was a drug dealer.
In May of 2010, Bliss became dean of students, athletic director, and Head men’s basketball coach at Allen Academy in Bryan.