The College Station (CSISD) school board Tuesday night approved a four percent pay raise for the next school year.
Superintendent Eddie Coulson says a pay increase was the recommendation of the district’s personnel advisory committee.
Last year, employees received a 1.5 percent increase, in 2011 participating employees received a $38 a month increase in benefits, and in 2010 there was a one percent salary incerase.
A budget projection, which included the pay raise, was presented to the board. The preliminary budget shows a deficit of $3.78 million, which would be covered by the district’s fund balance, or savings account, which contains more than $31 million.
WTAW’s Bill Oliver visits with Eddie Coulson.
In other business:
The CSISD board continued their discussion of a bond election in November. There is a deadline of August 26 in order to hold a bond election November 5. Dr. Coulson says nothing was taken off the table from the list initially presented last month. Those options include a ninth elementary school, expanding Timber Academy into a Center of Alternative Learning, more renovations at Consolidated High School, relocating support services, deferred maintenance, renovating operations, safety and technology upgrades, purchasing buses and vehicles, and a natatorium that is either 50 meters by 25 yards or 35 meters by 25 yards.
The board received an update regarding the operations of the Kids Klub after school program. Beginning next school year, CSISD will begin to transition to being the exclusive provider. Kids Klub has long been a partnership between the school district and the City of College Station, but after the transition year in 2013-14, CSISD will be solely responsible for the operation and administration of Kids Klub in 2014-15. There will be no additional expense to the CSISD budget because Kids Klub is self-funded.
The board approved a three year agreement with the City of College Station to assign school resource officers (SRO) to A&M Consolidated High School, College Station High School, A&M Consolidated Middle School, College station Middle School and the Center for Alternative Learning. The number of officers will increase from three to four. CSISD will pay 75 percent of the resource officers’ salary and benefits, while the College Station Police Department will pay 25 percent. CSPD has provided SRO’s in CSISD schools since 1994.
There was also a report detailing the preliminary TAKS, STAAR, and STAAR End of Course Exam results for CSISD. Click HERE to be directed to the CSISD website providing test results.