CS Council Switches Grant Funds From Development To Sidewalks

Nearly one mile of new sidewalks will be built in College Station neighborhoods occupied by low to moderate income residents.

The city council at its last meeting approved a switch in how to spend $299,821 dollars in federal money.

Community Development Manager Debbie Eller says construction has to be completed by the end of August.

The grant originally went to purchase land on Holleman east of Texas to build a mixed residential, retail, and office complex that was rejected.

With the August deadline, staff recommended and the council agreed to spend the grant money on sidewalks.  General fund money will pay for the land.

Eller says the city will issue another request for proposals on the land development and will issue bid requests for the sidewalk construction.

Debbie Eller explains the process to build sidewalks in a short time frame.

Debbie Eller explains the continuing process to sell city-owned land on Holleman.

Click HERE to read the powerpoint presentation presented to the College Station City Council.

The sidewalk construction will take place along the 200 block of Holleman, along Pedernales Street from Val Verde to Balcones, Lassie Drive from Holleman to Sterling, and Manuel Drive from Texas Avenue to Cornell.

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