The College Station City Council received the annual State of the Police Department Report during Thursday’s meeting.
Police Chief Jeff Capps reviewed crime statistics and outlined local criminal activity trends during 2012.
He also reviewed what he called six significant events during 2012, including the Fidelity Street shooting. From that incident, which resulted in three deaths and four injuries, the chief plans to ask the council to equip officers with 67 rifles and 120 vests that can withstand rifle bullets.
Jeff Capps comments about equipment requests.
The number of violent crimes during 2012 increased by 10 percent. That includes murders, sexual assaults, aggravated assaults, and robberies.
Councilman James Benham noted statistics that weren’t in the presentation of a rise in the number of cases being assigned per detective, from 25 in 2010 to 40 in 2011 and 45 in 2012. Capps says much of is due to the increase in video evidence that is being reviewed.
Question from James Benham and answer from Jeff Capps.
Capps reported that major crimes in College Station declined by 19 percent in 2012 while property crimes fell by 21 percent.
The number of residential and vehicle burglaries and thefts went down and the number of arrests went up for public intoxication and driving with suspended licenses.
Capps says the number of DWI arrests dropped from 571 in 2011 to 493 last year but there was a 25 percent increase in the number of alcohol-related accidents.
Jeff Capps complete presentation to the city council.
Slideshow presented to the city council is courtesy of the City of College Station: