CS Council Discusses Regulations For Ride Sharing Companies

The College Station city council’s next meeting is scheduled to include possible action on new regulations for ride sharing companies like Uber.

There was no opposition during a review of the proposal on transportation network companies, or TNC, during the last council meeting.

Aubrey Nettles of the city manager’s office explained differences between TNC’s and taxi regulations.


The council heard from two taxi operators who had differing opinions. Ken Henson thanked Mayor Nancy Berry for what he described as a “reasonable solution”.


Another operator, Jacob Yemme, was opposed to Uber drivers in general and college students behind the wheel in particular.


Nettles was asked about the reaction from Texas A&M, and staff asked for additional input from A&M police and the student body.


The vice president for municipal affairs for A&M’s student government association, Wayne Beckermann, says students are Uber drivers and customers.


And Sarfraz Maredia, an Uber general manager, who expressed concerned about drivers being cited for misdemeanors, was told it was consistent with other city ordinances and was punishable by a fine.


Nettles told the College Station city council they were scheduled to vote December 10th and a similar proposal would be considered by the Bryan council on the 15th.

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