CS Council Approves Parks, Streets, & Sign Projects

Business at Thursday’s College Station city council meeting included spending $700,000 dollars on city parks and pools.

A $638,000 construction contract covers 15 parks for new playground equipment, other improvements, and repairs. The most money is about $87,000 for Wood Creek park. followed by about $79,000 at Lion Park and about $61,000 at George K. Fitch. Between $40,000 and $54,000 will be spent at Oaks, Miller, Edelweiss, Central Park, and Lincoln Recreation Center. Between $14,000 and $33,000 will be spent at Sandstone, Thomas, Castlegate, Castlerock, University, Steeplechase, and Southern Oaks. Once approved, work will start immediately and is scheduled for completion this winter…weather permitting.

The council also approved spending $77,000 dollars to replace the tree stump slide at Adamson Lagoon pool with a treehouse slide.

The council moved ahead with rebuilding Nimitz Street from Lincoln to Ash. The $456,000 contract also replaces utilities.

A construction contract for College Station’s first welcome sign was also approved. It will be located along the freeway at University. The $151,000 contract is $38,000 over budget. Savings from replacing air conditioning chillers at the police department will make up the difference.

Construction on both the welcome sign and Nimitz Street project would be completed by next spring…weather permitting.

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