CS Council Approves Design Contract and Receives Fundraising Update for Fun For All Park

The College Station city council has awarded a contract to design the new Fun For All Park, which will focus on visitors with special needs. The city’s parkland dedication fund will pay the $207,000 dollar cost.

The council also received an update on private fundraising, which will fund the construction portion of the $4 million dollar park south of Central Park. Craig Griffith of the College Station Rotary Club said cash and pledges currently total $1,180,000 dollars.

Dave Gerling of the College Station Noon Lions Club reported a total of 82 contributions. Four are for more than $100,000, one is between $50,000 and $100,000, one is between $25,000 and $50,000, eight are between $10,000 and $25,000, five are between $5,000 and $10,000, 41 are between $1,000 and $5,000, and 22 have contributed up to $1,000.

Construction of the first phase, subject to fundraising, is scheduled to start this winter or next spring.

The city is responsible for long-term operations and maintenance expenses, supplemented by private donations.

Click below for comments during the College Station city council meeting, beginning with Parks and Recreation director David Schmitz:



Screen shot from funforallplaygroundbcs.com
Screen shot from funforallplaygroundbcs.com

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