Construction Starting Soon To Build Raised Median On George Bush Drive

Image produced by the Texas Department of Transportation Bryan district office.
Image produced by the Texas Department of Transportation Bryan district office.

Before the end of the year, traffic on George Bush Drive between Texas and Wellborn will experience more congestion with the construction of a raised median.

During the last College Station city council meeting, TxDOT Bryan district engineer Doug Marino told councilman and bicyclist John Crompton that the $2.4 million dollar project will not include a bicycle lane with a barrier.

Marino says the median is the result of too many crashes due to vehicles making left turns to and from George Bush.

Marino told Crompton a separate bike lane is possible in the future if Texas A&M provides the right of way.

Click below for comments from Doug Marino and John Crompton during the September 24, 2020 College Station city council meeting.

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