Congressman Flores’ Statement on Presidential Veto of Keystone Pipeline

Check out Congressman Bill Flores weekly update Wednesday mornings during WTAW’s The Infomaniacs, following the 7:30 news.

News release from Congressman Bill Flores:

U.S. Representative Bill Flores (R-Texas) issued the following statement regarding President Obama’s veto of the Keystone XL Pipeline Approval Act:

“It is very disappointing to see that President Obama has once again elected to put the priorities of radical environmentalists ahead of the needs and priorities of hardworking American families. Rather than listening to the will of the American people, he let a political agenda stand in the way of a bipartisan bill that would generate thousands of jobs, economic growth and enhanced energy security for America. The president has given his veto pen to Washington insiders and special interest groups. Through this veto, the president is blocking domestic job creation and sending American jobs to China.”

More from the Associated Press:

WASHINGTON (AP) _ President Barack Obama has vetoed a Republican bill forcing construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline.

The White House sent notice of the veto to the Senate on Tuesday, shortly after the bill was received at the White House. It’s the third veto of Obama’s presidency.

The move puts a freeze on a top GOP priority, at least for now. It also reasserts Obama’s authority over a project that’s become a flashpoint in the national debate about climate change.

Congressional Republicans may try to override Obama’s veto, but have yet to show they can muster the two-thirds majority in both chambers that they would need. Sen. John Hoeven, the bill’s chief GOP sponsor, says Republicans are about four votes short in the Senate and need about 11 more in the House.

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