News release from Congressman Bill Flores following House Speaker Paul Ryan’s announcement that he is not running for re-election:
“Under Paul Ryan’s leadership as Speaker, we have been able to provide hardworking American families and businesses with much-needed tax reform and regulatory reform, we have begun rebuilding our military, and we have put forward an agenda to restore confidence in America. Speaker Ryan stepped up to lead the House of Representatives, a job that he did not seek; but one that I, along with many other Conservatives, asked him to do. He is a visionary leader that our nation needs and I am grateful for his bold leadership, his commitment to conservative principles and, especially, for his friendship. I wish him the best of luck as he moves on to be with his family after 20 years of public service. I will deeply miss him in Congress.”
Click below for comments from Congressman Bill Flores, visiting with WTAW’s Bill Oliver.
News release from Congressman Bill Flores following Mark Zuckerberg’s testimony before the House Energy and Commerce committee, which Flores is a member:
“Technology companies such as Facebook represent the economic capability of American ingenuity. Facebook has grown exponentially from a community of users on a few college campuses to billions of users around the world and billions in revenue. Their unchecked growth, however, has not come without some major public concerns. Hardworking Americans deserve to know that their personal information is safe and secure, whether it is being stored by our government, a health care provider, a financial institution, a credit reporting agency or a technology company like Facebook. They also deserve to know when the trust of that security is broken. Today’s hearing brings privacy standards to the forefront and continues the conversation of whether or not companies like Facebook should practice editorial control of their users, regardless of political leanings. Ultimately, I believe that we should be looking at ways that consumers could be able to opt-in to sharing their data as opposed of going through hoops to opt-out. At the end of the day, the user should have full control of their virtual representation, not the company providing the service. If anything, this hearing has certainly helped raise the consciousness of the American people as to what is happening with their personal data that is being collected, sold and shared by technology companies. Looking forward, I intend to work with my congressional colleagues to improve privacy and fairness standards for technology users.”
Click below for comments from Congressman Bill Flores, visiting with WTAW’s Bill Oliver.