Four residents spoke during the public comment portion of last week’s College Station City Council meeting about the lack of enforcement of the “no more than 4” housing ordinance.
Jake McFarland says as residents, they have done everything they can at this point.
“We’ve brought you data, we’ve reported violations of our laws, we have worked with you to change laws to be effective and fair. And we have provided a relief valve for growth by turning over half of the city to high occupancy overlays. Yet we have not achieved any of the results we desire,” said McFarland.
Richard Woodward applauded the council for their effort to protect neighborhood integrity, but says it isn’t enough.
“The law is not being followed. We’re seeing substantial overoccupancy and despite one year moratorium, despite the efforts of Texas A&M, we’re still not seeing the effect that we need to see to keep our laws being followed,” said Woodward.
Councilwoman Melissa McIlhaney wants the council to be more transparent with citizens about the challenges of enforcing the ordinance.
“The status of enforcement, any progress we’ve made, any challenges we might have. I think the folks that spoke tonight, I think there’s a perceived cone of silence here. I think we need to be very upfront about any challenges and progress we’ve made,” said McIlhaney.
Councilman David White requested the topic be put on a future agenda.