College Station ISD Survey Open For Proposed 2021-2022 School Year Calendar

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The College Station school district is taking the next two weeks to collect opinions of two options for next year’s school calendars.

Two options were presented to the CSISD school board last month by chief academic officer Penny Tramel.

She reported the recommendation of the district’s educational improvement committee (DEIC) was to follow this year’s original calendar which was adjusted by the pandemic.

Dr. Tramel said option “A”, which was favored by 80 percent of the DEIC, addresses staff development that was intended to be done this year but wasn’t due to the pandemic.

Click HERE to be directed to the CSISD survey, which is available through December 18.

Click below to hear comments from Penny Tramel during the November 17, 2020 College Station ISD school board meeting:

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