College Station ISD School Board Meeting Includes A Review Of The First Day Of Classes

Captura de pantalla de la póliza del protocolo de pandemia de College Station ISD, junta escolar del 18 de Agosto de 2020.

Tuesday night’s College Station ISD school board meeting included a review of the first day of classes from superintendent Mike Martindale.

Click below for comments from Mike Martindale during the August 18, 2020 CSISD school board meeting.


Martindale reported 68 percent of students went to school and 32 percent are learning online.

By campus, the highest percentage of in-person students was Greens Prairie elementary at 76 percent. The lowest percentage was Rock Prairie elementary at 55 percent.

The review also included a report from Consolidated high school senior Zachary Yeager.

Click below for comments from Zachary Yeager during the August 18, 2020 CSISD school board meeting.


As of Monday, 2,400 CSISD students had registered to ride buses. Normally, ridership is around 4,000 students.

For the first day of classes in CSISD, the district distributed 75,900 disposable masks, 13,885 reusable masks, 533 containers of hand sanitizer, 99 hand sanitizer stations, 2,186 bottles of disinfectant spray, 1,800 boxes of disinfectant wipes, and 1,185 sneeze guards.

Martindale also shared the following pandemic protocol policy:

“College Station ISD will report all positive cases and identify close contacts to the Brazos County Health Department using the COVID 19 Reporting for Brazos County Schools form. When a specific area of a facility has >10% or an entire facility is >3% of active confirmed positive COVID-19 cases, CSISD will work with the Brazos County Health District to determine the most appropriate action to take. This action might result in a classroom, facility, or District closure for a designated period of time.”

Click HERE to read and download the CSISD reopening update that was presented during the August 18, 2020 school board meeting.

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