College Station Council Approves New Fire False Alarm Fees

The College Station fire department has the green light from the city council to charge fees to the owners of business properties and multi family structures who have more than three false alarms a year.

Fire marshal Eric Dotson says the proposal will not apply to the owners of single family homes.

Final action is proposed at this Thursday’s council meeting, following consensus approval to the idea at the council’s last meeting.

Fire marshal Eric Dotson says since January 1, there have been 762 false alarms to apartments, hotels, and other high rise buildings.

Dotson says they are also working with building owners and management to find those who tamper with fire alarms.

Dotson says the fees are meant to be a deterrent.

Fire chief Jonathan McMahan told the council they are also changing how they respond to alarms.

Fees will be higher for the fire department, compared to what is charged by College Station police.

Click HERE to read and download the proposed fire department false alarm ordinance.

The proposed Fire Department false alarm fees are:

1. 1-3 false alarms $0.00
2. 4-5 false alarms $85.00 for each false alarm
3. 6-7 false alarms $110.50 for false alarm
4. 8 or more false alarms $143.65 for each false alarm

The Police Department fees are as follows:

1. 1-3 false alarms $0.00
2. 4-5 false alarms $50.00 for each false alarm
3. 6-7 false alarms $75.00 for false alarm
4. 8 or more false alarms $100.00 for each false alarm

Click below for comments from the 9/13/2018 College Station city council meeting.

Listen to “College Station city council approves fee schedule for more than three false fire alarms” on Spreaker.


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