This is the last winter that College Station Utilities electric customers will be charged less.
This is after the city council during Thursday’s meeting approved raising the rate for November through April to match the rate from May through October.
Electric utilities director Timothy Crabb told the council that the price the city pays to obtain electricity, which used to be less during the winter, has been the same for at least 16 years.
City staff estimates raising the winter rate will generate $870,000 dollars. That represents less than one percent of College Station’s total electric fund reserves.
Mayor John Nichols, who was part of the six to one vote, said “We are trying to rebuild our fund balance in the electric fund due to the very severe challenge we had a couple of years ago. I understand that it will be a small cost adjustment for households in the wintertime. But I think if the city’s costs have gone up in the wintertime, we need to reflect that.”
Elizabeth Cunha was unsuccessful in tabling the decision until the council considers next year’s budget. She cited the council approving a ten percent increase in electric rates that began last October.
Cunha said one family she knows will pay another $6.00 dollars a month.
The council also approved a new rate structure that applies to electric vehicle fast chargers.
Click HERE to read and download the ordinance establishing a new rate for EV fast chargers.
Click HERE to read and download presentation materials about the new rate for EV fast chargers.
Click below to hear comments from the January 26, 2023 College Station city council meeting.
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