College Station City Council Converts More Greenway Space To Dedicated Parkland

Image from the city of College Station showing the four locations of converting greenway space into dedicated parkland as approved by the city council on November 23, 2020.
Image from the city of College Station showing the four locations of converting greenway space into dedicated parkland as approved by the city council on November 23, 2020.

More green space owned by the city of College Station has been officially turned to parkland.

It’s the fourth time this year the city council has approved a conversion, which means the property can not be sold without voter approval.

Venessa Garza of the College Station planning office presented the new locations. They are acreage east of the freeway between Forest and Emerald Parkways, off Wellborn Road behind First United Methodist Church, land that connects Creek View and Edelweiss Gartens Parks, and expanding University Park along the north city limits.

Click HERE to read and download background information from the November 23, 2020 College Station city council meeting.

Click below for comments from the November 23, 2020 College Station city council meeting. Speakers include Venessa Garza of the city of College Station’s planning office and various city council members.

Listen to “College Station city council transfers more greenway space to dedicated parkland” on Spreaker.

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