The College Station city council is asking voters this November to approve three changes to the city charter.
At the July 8th meeting, the council voted four to three to ask voters to move council elections to odd numbered years in November.
John Crompton led off the nearly hour long debate with six points in support.
Two of the three who voted no…Elizabeth Cunha and Karl Mooney…would have gone along with a vote in 2024, which is the next even numbered year that a charter election could be held.
Cunha brought up the 30,000 who voted last year, compared to 6,000 who voted in 2019.
John Nichols also voted no, and joining Crompton in voting yes were Bob Brick, Dennis Maloney, and Linda Harvell.
The council approved at its June 24th meeting asking voters to approve two other charter amendments.
The council voted four to two to ask voters to consider as presented by city attorney Carla Robinson, a ban on council members from engaging in city contracts or in any sale or purchase of city land, materials, supplies, or services. The ban would not apply when the council member owns less than one percent of stock in a corporation doing business with the city.
And the council unanimously approved asking voters to require council members to disclose campaign contributions over $500 dollars and abstain from participating and voting on any matter involving the contributor.
Click below for comments from the June 24 and July 8, 2021 College Station city council meetings. Speakers are John Crompton, Bob Brick, Elizabeth Cunha, and Carla Robinson.