College Station City Council Approves First Two Middle Housing Zoning Requests And Moves Forward On Staff Initiated Rezoning

Screen shot from a city of College Station document.
Screen shot from a city of College Station document.

Action during March meetings of the College Station city council included unanimous approval of the first two rezoning requests to the city’s new middle housing district.

Middle housing allows more than four unrelated occupants to live in one housing unit.

During the March 9 meeting, the council approved middle housing zoning on on land at Fidelity and Highlands. Where a single home once stood, information given to the council indicates the applicant intends to build small lot, single family homes. A representative of the applicant says specifics have not been determined.

Click HERE to read and download the city of College Station staff background on the Fidelity Street rezoning.

Click HERE to read and download presentation materials on the Fidelity Street rezoning.

During the March 23 meeting, the council approved middle housing zoning along the College Station-Bryan border. Where four single family lots are located along Cooner Street, there will be an undisclosed number of new student housing units.

Click HERE to read and download the city of College Station staff background on the Cooner Street rezoning.

Click HERE to read and download presentation materials on the Cooner Street rezoning.

The council during its March 9 meeting also gave the green light to a staff request to pursue city-initiated rezoning to the middle housing district. That was based on the recommendations of a seven member committee were supported by Texas A&M’s student government.

The committee, according to a staff report, “consisted of seven members, including three neighborhood representatives, three development community representatives, and one representative from the Texas A&M University’s School of Architecture.”

The committee “developed a general methodology to 1) focus on areas classified as Mixed Residential on the Future Land Use & Character Map, 2) eliminate from consideration areas that are zoned for multi-family to not downzone properties, 3) eliminate from consideration properties that are zoned PDD Planned Development District as those contain custom zoning requirements, and 4) gain general group consensus on the appropriateness of the remaining properties.”

Click HERE to read and download the city of College Station staff presentation on city initiated rezoning to the middle housing district.

Click HERE to read and download the Texas A&M student government association presentation on city initiated rezoning to the middle housing district.

Click below to hear comments from the March 9 and March 23, 2023 College Station city council meetings.

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