College Station City Council Approves First Request From The City’s New Tourism Office

Captura de pantalla de la agenda de la reunión del consejo de la ciudad de College Station del 27 de Agosto de 2020.

The city of College Station’s new tourism office goes before the city council for the first time to get support for bringing in an out of town event.

Economic development director Natalie Ruiz told the council that was a requirement from organizers of the 2022 Texas Recreation and Park Society (TRAPS) Annual Institute and Expo.

The council unanimously approved a resolution supporting the undisclosed bid that would be held at Kyle Field and the Texas A&M hotel and conference center.

Ruiz told the council the Monday through Thursday event could generate 800 room nights and an estimated economic impact of more than a half million dollars.

Click below for comments from the August 27, 2020 College Station city council meeting. Speakers include Natalie Ruiz, councilwoman Linda Harvell, and mayor Karl Mooney.


Click HERE to read and download background information from the August 27, 2020 College Station city council meeting.

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