The city of College Station’s new police headquarters remains on track to open next March. That’s despite rainy weather since construction started last November.
One of the decisions the city council made last year was not to include a jail holding area. The current CSPD headquarters has a 17 bed area.
Final action was taken this month by the city council and the Brazos County commission to use the county’s detention center, at a cost of $55 dollars a day when a prisoner is held longer than four hours.
Assistant police chief Chuck Fleeger told the city council the interlocal agreement applies to those arrested for class “C” misdemeanors, where punishment involves a fine. Fleeger also says the municipal judge is working on a plan that some who are arrested will be immediately released on their promise to appear in court.
As for the future of 11 employees associated with the city jail, police chief Scott McCollum tells WTAW News some of the current detention staff already have left for other positions. CSPD has not replaced those positions. Others have moved into other CSPD positions. And CSPD continues to work with the city manager’s office to finalize the transition plan. McCollum says he eventually anticipates the creation of additional police assistant positions that remaining jail employees may choose to apply.
Click below to hear comments from Chuck Fleeger, mayor Karl Mooney, and council members Dennis Maloney, Bob Brick and Linda Harvell.