City Of Bryan Plans To Move Fish Before The Superpark Lake Is Drained For Excavation Is Raising Concerns

At the beginning of April, the city of Bryan will be relocating fish out of the lake at the new superpark.

That’s because water will be removed and the lake will be deepened and widened.

A handful of local residents are asking the city of Bryan to change how the fish are removed.

Robert Rose wants an alternative method used to remove the fish that using what he describes as “electrofishing”. And instead of moving them to Burton Creek, Rose wants the fish moved to Lake Bryan or another larger body of water.

And Rose wants turtles to also be physically relocated out of concern that the turtles will be struck by vehicles as the animals cross Villa Maria and South College.


Councilman Brent Hairston, visiting on WTAW’s The Infomaniacs, says the city will take care of wildlife in an environmentally friendly way.


As for the turtles, the city’s project director tells WTAW News the permit from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department allows only the relocation of the fish. Parks and Wildlife told the city that other wildlife will relocate themselves.

The city is expecting to receive a permit from the Army Corps of Engineers in June to start excavation of the lake. The city hopes to nearly double the size of the lake by volume…from about 73 acre feet to about 130 acre feet of water.

Image of the Travis Bryan Midtown Park (superpark) from

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