Christmas Tree Recycling Time

There are several different ways to make sure that your Christmas tree is a gift to our local environment.

Events Specialist Micaela Aguilar with BVSWMA says you can take the tree directly to Twin Oaks Land Fill or the compost facility, or just leave it curbside on your neighborhood brush and bulky debris day in Bryan or College Station.

Aguilar says free tree recycling lasts through January 11.

She says it takes three months for a Christmas tree to make the full transformation into usable mulch and compost.

Meanwhile, Aguilar says the household hazardous waste collection day is coming up April 26, and will be from 7 a. m. to 2 p. m. at the university services building.

For more details, call 979-764-3809.

Click below to listen to Events Specialist Micaela Aguilar visit with WTAW’s Kat McMullen.

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CLICK HERE to go to the land fill and compost facility website.


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