Bryan School Board Questions Before Extending Contract With Bryan Police For School Resource Officers

For the upcoming school year, the Bryan school district will pay the city of Bryan more than $736,000 dollars plus overtime for school resource officers.

That’s after the Bryan school board unanimously approved a three year memorandum of understanding at this week’s meeting.

BISD is paying 65 percent of officers at middle and high schools. A year from now, BISD will pay 70 percent..and two years from now the district will pay 75 percent.

The rising cost share led to a board discussion that included David Stasny wondering how much time school officers are off campus.


Board president Mark McCall said he was not interested in BISD starting its own police department.


Superintendent Christie Whitbeck says there are not enough officers to consider establishing a BISD police department from a financial standpoint.


Click HERE to read and download the MOU approved at the July 15, 2019 Bryan school board meeting.

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