Bryan School Board Adopts Calendar For 2020-2021 School Year

Bryan school board members have adopted the calendar for the 2020-2021 school year.

Click HERE to read and download the Bryan ISD 2020-2021 calendar.

Click HERE to read and download the presentation at the December 16, 2019 Bryan ISD school board meeting.

Two options were the subject of an online survey. Chief of staff Ginger Carrabine says option “B” received more support from all constituent groups.


60 percent of parents supported the option adopted by the board. Carrabine was among central office administrators who responded to questions about providing child care following a number of early dismissal days.


Also addressing child care issues on partial school days was Bryan ISD’s community outreach officer, Justin Smith.


Carrabine also emphasized to parents, the importance of their children attending school on days with an early release.


There were more than 4,300 participants in an online survey. That’s an increase of more than 30 percent from last year.

All groups supported the calendar option approved by the board. Overall, option “B” received 69 percent.

Option “B” was supported by 60 percent of parents, 78 percent of students, 80 percent of community members, and 82 percent of all Bryan ISD employees.

Image of Bryan ISD 2020-2021 calendar provided by Bryan ISD.

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