Bryan Police Respond to 3 Crashes on Hwy. 6

Bryan Police reports a major two car accident on Highway 6 at North Texas Avenue Thursday during the noon hour. A second crash followed due to traffic congestion. BPD reported traffic on Highway 6 was diverted to service roads ant Texas Avenue. Officer Jon Agnew says the major incident involved two northbound drivers.  One did an unsafe lane change, clipping the second vehicle, sending it into a roll towards oncoming traffic.  Agnew says both drivers were taken to St. Joseph’s Medical Center.

Thursday morning, Agnew says there was a one-vehicle rollover on the southbound freeway exit ramp at Briarcrest. The driver was checked at the scene for injuries but was not transported.

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Officer Jon Agnew visits with WTAW’s Bill Oliver about three wrecks reported on the Earl Rudder Freeway midday Thursday.

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