Bryan police arrest an 18 year old after officers found in his car, a stolen rifle from Bryan, a stolen pistol from College Station, and 50 vape pens where one tested positive for containing THC. The BPD arrest report stated this happened after officers found the rifle for sale on line, then set up a meeting in a parking lot with the person who had the rifle. The man who was arrested, Michael Isiah Serna of Bryan, charged with unlawful carrying of a weapon and manufacture/delivery of a controlled substance. Serna is out of jail after posting bonds totaling $16,000 dollars.
A Bryan man remains in jail since his arrest June 1 on charges that includes breaking into a mobile home twice in 24 days. According to the Bryan police arrest report, someone from the mobile home park reported seeing the suspect riding his bicycle slowly by the park. A neighbor’s video assisted the investigation that led to the arrest of 26 year old Jose Guadalupe Juan Diego Almenzar. He is also being held for immigration authorities and a charge of failing to identify himself.