On July 4th during the noon hour, a Bryan police officer confronts a man who smashed the glass of seven vehicles and one home before smashing the front windshield of the officer’s patrol vehicle. The BPD arrest report says the officer received the assistance of two witnesses to restrain the man. Witnesses said the man used a four by four piece of lumber, a brick, and a truck bed extender to shatter the glass of four SUV’s, three pickup trucks, and the patrol vehicle. Total damage was estimated at $7,300 dollars. 53 year old Ramiro Rosas-Almansa was charged with felony criminal mischief, assaulting a public servant, and resisting arrest. As of July 8, Almansa remained jailed in lieu of bonds totaling $29,000 dollars.
Bryan police respond to the report of a SUV that went three times through the drive thru of a fast food restaurant without placing an order. The BPD arrest report says 43 year old Ebony Jackson of Bryan, who failed field sobriety tests, was arrested for DWI with three prior convictions that took place in May 2023, November 2020, and September 2018. At the time of her latest arrest, online court records shows Jackson, whose name was Ebony Stewart, is on seven years probation from a ten year prison sentence after admitting to her third DWI. She entered a plea agreement that included performing 200 hours of community service and having an interlock device on her vehicle for five years. Jackson is out of jail from her latest arrest after posting an $8,000 dollar bond.