Bryan Midtown Park Lake Expansion Slated To Start In August

Image from showing the Midtown Park lake being drained for future widening and deepening.

Construction could start next month, weather permitting, on expanding the lake at Bryan’s Midtown Park.

That’s after the city council on Tuesday awarded a $3.7 million dollar contract to deepen the lake to eight feet and widen it from 16 to 22 acres.

Click HERE to read and download background information on the Midtown Park lake expansion that was approved during the July 28, 2020 Bryan city council meeting.

There was a question about containing sediment containing arsenic as it is being removed. Public works director Jayson Barfknecht says part of the environmental plan involves the contractor being required to monitor the dust associated with removing the contaminated sediment.

Click below for comments from Jayson Barfknecht during the July 28, 2020 Bryan city council meeting.

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The construction contract is $2.7 million dollars under the engineer’s estimate.

Mike Southerland voted no, citing the superpark is receiving another $20 million dollars from BTU.

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