The victim received hospital treatment for a cut across her stomach and a swollen eye Sunday morning inside a storage unit.
The woman told Bryan police she ran to a stranger’s apartment to get help.
According to the arrest report, the accused attacker said the woman grabbed a knife after he confronted her about stealing money.
He said he hit her in the face after he was not able to get the knife. There was no statement about the woman’s cuts. And he said the sexual contact was consentual.
42 year old Joshia Humphries, who was booked Sunday for the third time in the last 12 months and the 12th time since November 1997, is held on bonds totaling $250,000 dollars on the new charges of aggravated sexual assault and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.
According to online records, Humphries was released May 12 when he posted new bonds associated with three upcoming trials. One involves charges of vehicle burglary and evading arrest. The second is a separate charge of evading arrest. And the third involves charges of family violence assault and possession of a controlled substance.