Brazos County sheriff’s deputies make an arrest after a man calls 9-1-1 eight times and the non-emergency dispatch number seven times during a five hour period last Sunday.
According to arrest reports, firefighter-paramedics from Bryan and Brazos County’s precinct two department made three trips to the man’s travel trailer and determined there was no reason for take him to the hospital after he complained of chest pains.
The deputies also learned one of the 9-1-1 calls lasted six and a half minutes, where the man used profanity to multiple dispatchers.
That led to the arrest of 52 year old Jeffrey Kulcsar on charges of making abusive 9-1-1 calls and public intoxication.
Online jail records show this is Kulcsar’s fourth arrest for public intoxication since September of 2022.
Kulcsar remains jailed as of June 26 in lieu of bonds totaling $3,000 dollars.