A Bryan police spokesman tells WTAW News that none of the money that was taken has been recovered.
The BPD arrest report says the man was able to convince the woman that her son was arrested and needed money to pay lawyers and for bonds.
Three times on the same day in February, the woman gave different ride share drivers $18,500, $14,600, and $22,000 dollars.
The victim said the suspect called the next day wanting more money. That’s when she realized it was a scam.
Because the victim was given information about the ride share drivers, investigators found the drivers.
The drivers reported giving the money that was in boxes to the suspect in the same parking lot of a Houston Walmart neighborhood market.
32 year old Manuel Paredes, who was charged with felony theft involving an elderly victim, is jailed as of March 25th in lieu of a $150,000 dollar bond.
Click below to hear Bryan police officer Seth Waller’s visit with WTAW’s Bill Oliver about to spot a scam and how to deal with suspected scammers.