Bryan ISD School Board Discusses Foundation Options Of New Intermediate School Before The Final Decision Is Made By The Superintendent

Image provided by Bryan ISD of the Sadberry intermediate school rendering from PBK architects.
Image provided by Bryan ISD of the Sadberry intermediate school rendering from PBK architects.

This week’s Bryan ISD school board meeting included a discussion about the quality of the soil under the site of what will be built as the district’s third intermediate school.

Consulting architect Ron Bailey’s suggestion to save $1 million dollars on the type of foundation for the two story building was the decision made by superintendent Christie Whitbeck.

The less expensive alternative was supported by board vice president Julie Harlin.

BISD’s third intermediate school, to be built next to Bonham elementary, will have a foundation design that is similar to the city of Bryan’s new sports and events center at Midtown Park.

Click below for comments from Ron Bailey, Christie Whitbeck, and Julie Harlin during the May 3, 2021 Bryan ISD school board meeting.

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Click HERE to read and download the presentation given to the Bryan ISD school board on March 29, 2021 about intermediate school #3 by PBK architects.

Video of Bryan ISD’s third intermediate school was provided by Bryan ISD and produced by PBK architects:

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