Bryan Historical Landmarks Commission Approves Bar At The Palace Theater

Image from the city of Bryan showing the location of an addition at the Palace Theater.
Image from the city of Bryan showing the location of an addition at the Palace Theater.

The renovation of downtown Bryan’s Palace Theater will include an addition.

The city’s historic landmarks commission has unanimously approved the city’s request to add a bar on the 26th Street side of the property.

City staff supported the addition to the restroom building because the proposed elevation and design materials are compatible with the existing structure and it will not take away from the historical and cultural significance of the property.

The Palace was originally the home of a city office building and auditorium between 1909 and 1930. The building collapsed in 1986.

Background information to the landmarks commission does not give a timeline to when the bar will be built as part of the city council’s decision last year to outsource the management of the outdoor venue.

Click below to read and download background information from the July 27, 2022 Bryan Historic Landmark Commission meeting.

Image from the city of Bryan showing an aerial view of the location of a new bar at the Palace Theater.
Image from the city of Bryan showing an aerial view of the location of a new bar at the Palace Theater.
Image from the city of Bryan showing the location of new bar at the Palace Theater.
Image from the city of Bryan showing the location of new bar at the Palace Theater.

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