Bryan Council Awards Design Contract For A Future Sewer Trunk Line

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The Bryan city council held a special meeting Tuesday in part to approve a contract to design a sewer trunk line.

That will lead to determining the route of the line that will address future growth east of the Copperfield and Oakmont neighborhoods.

After the meeting, mayor Bobby Gutierrez told WTAW News about how the route of Bryan’s future trunk line, the route of an associated sewer main line, and a future east side wastewater treatment plant will be affected by College Station’s proposed sewer line through a south Bryan neighborhood.

Click below for comments from Bobby Gutierrez about the Bryan sewer trunk line design contract during a visit with WTAW’s Bill Oliver.


Click HERE to read and download the contract that was approved by the Bryan city council on March 28, 2023.

The company that was awarded the $716,000 dollar design contract, according to city staff, “will utilize a route study previously performed to evaluate the best route for the trunk line. In general, the route will follow Brushy Creek starting at the wastewater treatment plant site on Cole Lane and terminating for now around the future Oakmont Lift Station site. Two additional lines also are in the scope. One addition is to take the Yaupon Trails lift station offline and the second addition takes the Reveille Estates Phase 1 lift station offline. Both of these lift stations are currently within the City of College Station sewer CCN (Certificate of Convenience and Necessity) area. If an agreement is reached with the City of College Station to return the CCN to Bryan, this contract will be in place to perform the design. The sewer trunk line will facilitate future growth for Bryan east of Copperfield and Oakmont subdivisions toward Steep Hollow Road.”

The background information provided by city staff also states “In addition to the design of the sewer trunk line, the scope includes a route study to route a sewer force main from a new regional lift station to be constructed on the east side of the bypass. This lift station will take part of the flow currently going to the Burton Creek WWTP and transfer the wastewater to the new Brushy Creek WWTP. Over the long term, the Burton Creek WWTP will be replaced with this regional lift station as the lift station is expanded to carry the additional flow from the decommissioned plant. The limits of the route study for the force main are approximately Copperfield Drive near Tiffany Park Subdivision to the north and Veterans Park in College Station to the south.”

Additionally, according to city staff, “The current design contract has the project design being completed by the summer of 2024. Staff is preparing to release the Request for Qualifications for the design of the new wastewater plant. Due to the length of the trunk line, the negotiations for the easements may be a lengthy process. The design of this sewer trunk line was budgeted in Fiscal Year 2023. The preliminary cost estimate for the sewer trunk line is between $11-$12 million dollars.”

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