At least four months and at least two delays in the making, developers now have the Bryan city council’s green light to pursue a residential, retail, and office development bordered by Briarcrest, Boonville, and Green Valley.
The council agreed with a planning and zoning commission addition, that staff planner Stephanie Doland says limits land next to Wheeler Ridge to single family homes and/or senior assisted living with a maximum height of two stories.
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Councilman Buppy Simank, who lives in Wheeler Ridge, was going to vote against the proposal until he heard the updated plan.
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Ten acres of the 52 acre site, known as Trafalgar, will be left as park space and for flood control. Developers can clear out up 20 percent of the park space.
No dates were announced when construction would begin.
Click HERE to read and download background information presented to the Bryan city council.