A proposed ban on public transit buses on some Bryan streets was removed the agenda of Tuesday’s Bryan city council agenda.
That did not keep 11 speakers from telling the council to not consider the ban in the future.
WTAW News has asked the city of Bryan the reason for the proposed ban.
A city spokeswoman told WTAW News that city staff removed the item from the agenda to “rework the proposed amendment to accommodate unintended concerns that were brought forward.”
The proposed bus ban would apply to portions of six specific streets along with any Bryan street with a cul-de-sac or dead ends.
The proposal called for no buses on (1) Main Street from West 28th Street to Martin Luther King Jr. Street, (2) Holick Lane from Sulphur Springs Road to East North Avenue, (3) North Rosemary Drive from South Texas Avenue to East 29th Street, (4) Esther Boulevard from Twin Boulevard to East 29th Street, (5) Carter Creek Parkway from East 29th Street to Coulter Drive, and (6) College View Drive from South Texas Avenue to South College Avenue.
The public speakers opposing the bus ban included four administrators at the Brazos Transit District, the director and an employee at the Brazos Valley Center for Independent Living, a member of the Bryan ISD school board, and a consulting engineer working for the transit district.
Click below to hear some of the comments from some of the speakers opposing a proposed bus ban during the June 13, 2023 Bryan city council meeting.