Bryan City Council Conditionally Continues An Exclusive Agreement With The Owner Of Bombers Baseball And Toucans Soccer To Manage Travis Field Stadium

Photos of Travis Field stadium taken July 18, 2024.
Photos of Travis Field stadium taken July 18, 2024.

The Bryan city council decides, with conditions, to let the company that owns Brazos Valley Bombers baseball and Twin Cities Toucans soccer continue an exclusive agreement to manage Travis Field stadium through the end of its contract in 2025.

The five to nothing council vote approved a motion composed by city attorney Thomas Leeper. The motion allows the city council to seek requests for managing the stadium after the 2025 Bombers season without the threat of a lawsuit from the Bombers and Toucans parent company, Infinity Sports & Entertainment.

Leeper said “the motion would be to rescind the notice of termination contingent upon Infinity Sports Entertainment’s amending the agreement to permit the city to have the option to issue a request for proposal after 60 days from July 18, 2024.”

The council’s vote followed three hours of public comments that included a one hour and 20 minute exchange between council members and Infinity/Bombers/Toucans owner Uri Geva, which ended with the framework for the motion that the council approved after the governing body heard 30 minutes of comments from 18 Bombers and Toucans supporters.

Absent from Thursday’s (July 18) special meeting were councilmen Ray Arrington and Kevin Boriskie.

Click HERE to read and download presentation materials from the July 18, 2024 Bryan city council special meeting.

Click below to hear comments from the July 18, 2024 Bryan city council special meeting.

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