Bryan City Council Approves Third Public Private Partnership At Midtown Park

Screen shot of document from the city of Bryan, showing the site plan for the D-BAT academy at Midtown Park.
Screen shot of document from the city of Bryan, showing the site plan for the D-BAT academy at Midtown Park.

The Bryan city council this week approved a third public private partnership at Midtown Park.

A private operator of a baseball and softball academy, D-BAT Aggieland, joins the private operator of the Big Shots golf and entertainment complex and an outside company that will manage the city’s indoor sports facility.

The council approved giving the Bryan Business Council (BBC) land where the BBC will finance the construction of an academy building that is estimated to have a taxable value of $1.8 million dollars.

Then the BBC will lease the building to D-BAT Aggieland for 20 years with an option of a five year extension.

The council also agreed to a revenue sharing agreement with D-BAT Aggieland to manage the city’s three new little league fields and two more fields the private company wants to build.

Click HERE to read and download background information presented at the city council’s June 8, 2021 meeting.

Click HERE to read and download the ground lease between the city of Bryan and the Bryan Business Council.

Click HERE to read and download the site plan for the academy.

Click below to hear comments from the June 8, 2021 city council meeting. Speakers include Todd McDaniel of the city of Bryan’s economic development office, councilman Brent Hairston, mayor Andrew Nelson, and councilman Bobby Gutierrez.

Listen to “Bryan city council approves a third public private partnership at Midtown Park” on Spreaker.

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