Masks will continue to be required in the Bryan and College Station school districts through the last day of classes.
The last day of mask mandates in College Station ISD is after classes on May 27, and in Bryan ISD after classes on May 28. For both districts, this complies with the governor’s order that mandates end by June 4.
Bryan ISD superintendent Christie Whitbeck notified parents of her decision on Wednesday. That follows Tuesday night’s vote by the College Station ISD school board.
Dr. Whitbeck’s e-mail to parents stated in part: “Teachers and staff agreed to work this school year with certain safety measures in place, including a requirement for face coverings, and removing that requirement with eight days to go is not respectful to these educators, some who feel safer with masks in place.” She also stated with upcoming events they “do not want to risk having to quarantine students, a class or grade level, due to a positive case occurring and no ability to reduce the number needing quarantined due to face coverings not being worn.”
Click HERE to read and download Christie Whitbeck’s letter to Bryan ISD parents.
The College Station ISD school board decision came following 50 minutes of discussion, focused on board member Amanda Green’s unsuccessful attempts to make wearing masks optional right away.
Most of the CSISD board members in the 6-1 vote said they did not want to take a chance on infecting students and employees with six and a half days left in the school year.
Green then made a second motion, which was defeated 5-2, that would have made masks optional if the Texas Education Agency removed its contact tracing requirement when there is a new infection. Joshua Benn, who voted against Green’s first motion, supported her second motion.
Click below for comments from the May 18, 2021 College Station ISD board meeting. Speakers are board members Amanda Green, Kimberly McAdams, Thomas Hall, Jeff Horak, and Mike Nugent.