Brazos County Commissioners Hear From Opponents Of Arrington Road Project

Brazos County commissioners got an earful about changing plans to widen Arrington Road south of William D. Fitch.

Four people who live in and around the Nantucket subdivision say their safety and quality of life are threatened by dropping plans for a center turning lane on Arrington, and creating a four way intersection with Arrington, Harpers Ferry, and a street in and out of the new Margraves subdivision…where 1,000 homes are planned to be built.

After the meeting, which was held September 26, county judge Duane Peters told WTAW News the plans have not been finalized.

But Peters emphasized there’s nothing that can be done to restrict increased traffic going through Nantucket to get to Highway 6.

College Station mayor Karl Mooney told WTAW News he understands what’s happening in Nantucket because there is a proposal for a new housing development behind his house on North Forest Drive in Emerald Forest.

County commissioners have not taken action on an interlocal agreement was approved by the College Station city council on September 25.

Click below for comments from public speakers and interviews with Duane Peters and Karl Mooney:

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At the podium is Marie Wolf, one of four people speaking about Arrington Road during the September 26, 2017 meeting of the Brazos County commissioners court.

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