Brazos County commissioners continue to hear opposition to the future inner loop highway around the east side of Bryan and College Station.
Four landowners in the possible path of the highway spoke at Tuesday’s meeting (November 26).
Kyle Greenwood of the group “East Loop Opposition Council” said their 800 members are against any new highway.
Greenwood also asked for a 90 day pause on the official study. County judge Duane Peters said he is “fairly confident” that the delay will be granted.
Another opponent, Tommy Reed, said the loop “would destroy the very fabric” of the land his family has owned for nearly 200 years.
Recently retired Bryan city secretary Mary Lynne Stratta said three of the proposed routes will come within 100 yards of the rocking chair on her back porch. She said the highway “will destroy” the peace and quiet and the wildlife.
The fourth speaker, John Book, said “the issues we’re facing in this county are not going to be solved by (an) east loop.”
The loop is part of the next transportation plan from the Bryan/College Station metropolitan planning organization (MPO). That’s on the agenda for the next MPO board meeting, which is next Wednesday morning (December 4).
Click below to hear comments from the November 26, 2024 Brazos County commission meeting.