Brazos County Commissioners Court Changes The Flag Order At Boonville Heritage Park’s Six Flags Plaza

The order of the flags has been changed at the Six Flags Plaza at Boonville Heritage Park.

Brazos County commissioners earlier this month passed a resolution that county judge Duane Peters said was the result of a resident saying the original order did not meet proper flag etiquette rules.

Peters says the resident brought up that the only flag that can be left of the Texas state flag is the American flag.

Originally, the flags flew in chronological order.

Now, the order of the flags…for those looking at them from inside the park…from left to right are the United States, Texas, Confederate, Mexico, France, and Spain.

Click HERE to read and download the resolution approved by Brazos County commissioners on March 12, 2019.

Click below for comments from Duane Peters, visiting with WTAW’s Bill Oliver:


Six Flags Plaza at Boonville Heritage Park, March 25 2019.

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