Brazos County commissioners unanimously approved, and the College Station city council will consider June 14, a joint agreement to widen Rock Prairie Road West between Wellborn and Holleman South and add sidewalks and drainage improvements.
The agreement calls for the county to pay the city $1.2 million dollars, and the city will maintain the county’s portion of the improvements.
Click HERE to read and download the agreement approved by Brazos County.
College Station interim deputy manager Dave Coleman says the project is fully designed and ready to go, pending city council approval.
After that, Coleman says the city is waiting for the green light from Union Pacific, since the project includes crossing railroad tracks. Coleman says Union Pacific has had the city’s plans since September 2017.
Coleman also says the city and the county are working on a identical proposal to widen Greens Prairie Road, which is mostly in the city but has a portion that is the county’s responsibility.
Click below for comments from county judge Duane Peters, county commissioner Steve Aldrich, and College Station interim deputy manager Dave Coleman.