Brazos County commissioners unanimously approve creating a committee to study whether to form specialty criminal courts for veterans and/or those with mental health issues.
The 12 member committee also includes two students from Texas A&M’s veterans resource center, members of the local American Legion and VFW posts, someone from the local VA clinic, and representatives from six county departments…one from the health district, another representing trial judges, and members from the district attorney, county attorney, public defender, and probation offices.
The committee, created by county judge Duane Peters, is chaired by retired general Bentley Nettles of Bryan…who is an attorney who currently chairs the BTU board of directors and previously served as the director of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission.
Click HERE to read and download the resolution that was approved by Brazos County commissioners.
Click below to hear comments from the January 31, 2023 Brazos County commission meeting.